Saturday, 29 March 2008

Law Moderations

Unfortunately my promise of a more exciting next post is destroyed by my previous promise to let you know how my law moderations went. I got the results a couple of days ago and i was really pleased, i got:

Roman Law 66
Constitutional Law 73
Criminal Law 66.

Anything above 70 is a first and i just missed out on getting one with my average of 68.33. I was really pleased with my constit mark though and my tutor has told me that i've won the prize for best constit script out of all the first year lawyers at Oxford which i still haven't really come to terms with!

Law moderations are really important because when lawyers apply for vacation schemes (work experience in the summer of second year) or even for training contracts (pretty much a job offer from a law firm) the only law results that they will have to go on are the law moderations so to do well on them is a massive bonus, and to have won a prize from Slaughter and May for my constit is a big boost because i really want to apply to do a vac scheme there!


Lacklustre Lawyer said...

Absolutely fantastic results there! Really well done - especially on your Constitutional Law mark. It must be a great feeling to know that your script was the best in the year!

Looks like all those long hours in the library really paid off. Pamper yourself now!

Rach said...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I've got an offer for September. If I get in, I hope I manage to get results as good as yours!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.